Or­tho­pa­edic Ra­dio­lo­gy

Or­tho­pa­edic Ra­dio­lo­gy

Orthopedic radiology

Responsible senior physician

Dr. med. Matthias Heller



Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Friedrichsheim gGmbH
Orthopädische Radiologie
Marienburgstraße 2
60528 Frankfurt am Main


Hei­drun Bol­ler-Liedt­ke

+49 69 6301-941951

+49 69 6301-94323


Appointment allocation

Monday - Friday:
8:00 - 16:00

+49 69 6301-94211

+49 69 6301-94323

Appointment allocation CT House 97

+49 69 6301-94826

In 2007, the cooperation between the Orthopedic University Hospital and our institute was closed. Through this close integration of the different areas Radiological a comprehensive and consistent quality is ensured.

Since is the Department of Radiology at the Orthopedic University Hospital of the Technical supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Vogl Provided.

OA Dr. med. Matthias Heller is a Senior Physician in the Department

Range of services / equipment

Computed tomography

MX16 multi-slice computed tomograph from Philips

Philips Healthcare's state-of-the-art MX16 multi-slice computed tomography scanner allows us to offer our patients and referring physicians faster and more accurate diagnosis of diseases and accidental injuries.

Images in seconds
The CT scanner simultaneously acquires 16 cross-sectional images of the body region to be examined. This capability is based on Philips' proprietary technology that produces complete images of organs and vessels with the tightest slice staggering in a matter of seconds.

Lower radiation dose, higher image quality
The acquisition and assimilation of complex multi-layer images is made possible by a special integrated circuit developed by Philips within the detector group of the Mx16, which operates at speeds in the gigabit-per-second range. Analog detector signals are converted directly into a stream of digital data, significantly reducing noise. This, in turn, reduces the necessary radiation dose to the patient while increasing image quality.


Di­gi­tal­Dia­gnost VM Com­pact von Phi­lips

Progress in orthopedic diagnostics

The DigitalDiagnost VM Compact from Philips is a single-detector stand that can be used universally for frontal, lateral and angulated images. It is suitable for all thoracic and skeletal diagnostics, as well as for imaging in trauma diagnostics.
The detector unit is equipped with a digital flat panel detector, which has a large image field of 43 cm x 43 cm, an image matrix of 9 million pixels and a digitization of the image with over 16 0000 gray levels corresponding to 14 bits.
The special advantage of this examination device is the attachment of the detector to a rotatable and tiltable C-arm stand.

Magnetic resonance imaging

High-performance MRI Achie­va 1.5T No­va von Phi­lips

Our new high-performance magnetic resonance tomograph Achieva 1.5T Nova from Philips now offers our patients a significantly expanded examination spectrum. The magnetic resonance tomograph works without X-rays and thus avoids additional exposure of the patient to radiation. The device is extremely patient-friendly while providing high-resolution and high-contrast cross-sectional images of the human body.

The focus is on studies of the representation of:

  • Orthopedic joint diagnostics
  • Central and peripheral vascular imaging
  • Cardiac diagnostics
  • Head imaging
  • Abdominal imaging


Responsible senior physician


Dr. med. Matthias Heller

069 6301-94252

069 6301-94323




Heidrun Boller-Liedtke

069 6301-941951

069 6301-94323



Make your examination appointment Monday through Friday between the hours of 07:30 and 17:00.

Secretariat Prof. Thomas J. Vogl

 069 6301-7277

Intervention Clinic

 069 6301-4736

Central Radiology

 069 6301-87202

Gynaecological radiology

 069 6301-5174

Paediatric radiology

 069 6301-5248

Orthopaedic radiology

 069 6301-94211

069 6301-​87202