At our institute, we perform a special form of mammogaphy, digital mammography using the state-of-the-art Mammomat Inspiration Prime Edition from Siemens. With this system, no film is exposed, but a detector, which captures the data digitally/electronically. The Mammomat Inspiration Prime Edition is the first mammography device to reduce the radiation dose by up to 30 percent while maintaining image quality. Instead of the previously used scatter radiation grid, the system is equipped with a new algorithm for image correction. This detects the structures responsible for the scattered radiation and calculates a corrected image.
Mammography is a method for the early detection of breast cancer.
The examination is performed under compression of the respective breast and is performed from two directions (usually from above and obliquely from the side). The compression of the breast between the film holder and a Plexiglas plate is necessary to keep the radiation dose as low as possible. The compression can be somewhat uncomfortable.
Mammography is performed on special X-ray machines that produce soft radiation. This soft radiation results in high contrast images. Through these images, the smallest, non-palpable tissue changes can be detected.
The evaluation of the images is always carried out by two experienced specialists. This considerably increases diagnostic certainty.
Gynaecology Radiology
Dear Patients,
This is a brief description to help you understand the scheduling and methods of breast diagnostics.
There are different methods used in the breast imaging depending on the indication of the examination and age of the patient. In patients above 35 years of age mammography is the primary diagnostic method provided the last mammography examination was done 1.5 to 2 years ago. In mammography the breast is compressed between to flat plexiglass plates and two images in different views for each breast are taken - one image projecting the breast tissue from above downwards (craniocaudal) and the other from inside out (mediolateral).
Because mammography is a projection method, two views from different angles are important for exact localisation of pathological lesions. Which means that the radiologist must be able to say where the pathological breast lesions are located - medial or lateral, up or down. The compression of the breast in the hands of an experienced technical assistant might be a bit uncomfortable but usually without any severe pain. The advantages compressions are mainly reduced radiation dose and good quality images without motion artefacts. Improper compression leads to significant reduction in the image quality due to motion artefacts and also increases the radiation exposure. In other words, correct compression of breast is necessary in mammography in order to make appropriate diagnosis. The mammography machines used in our institute measures the compression pressure in order to standardise the extent of compression. The compression is automatically released after the images have been obtained (see Image 1-3). The compression is obviously done under strict supervision of assistant. In case an additional image needs to be obtained (in addition to usual four), there is nothing to be alarmed about. As mentioned above mammography is a projection method and in rare cases additional projections like magnified image in cases of overlapping to confirm findings. This does not always mean that a suspicious lesion has been detected.
The quality control of the mammography machines and developments are certified by Fa. GQ Med- on a yearly basis in addition to the weekly and daily quality maintenance measures. Moreover the MTRA (radiographers) working at the department are highly trained in mammography examinations. The reporting is done by two radiologists experienced in mammography and in cases of conflicting views in consultation with another radiologist.
In patients below 35 years of age, the primary methods are clinical examination and ultrasound examination. The reason is that the radiation exposure in this age group is higher due to too many dense breast tissue and the information obtained is thereby reduced. Mammography can be avoided in cases of definite benign findings in this age group. For ultrasound a special gel is required to remove the air between the body surface and the probe. The patient lays on her back on examination table with her hands under her head. The examination is done without compression and is painless. After examination of the breasts the arm pits are examined.
One might have to wait for some time between the mammography and ultrasound examination or also before the performance of ultrasound because films of your mammography and also the other patients need to be developed, there are also other patients for ultrasound examination, operative images for the gynaecology department need to be developed and many other unavoidable situations. We request for your patience and understanding for this waiting time and request you in the mean time to read through the palpation model brochure (Tastmodell) which is available at the reception to practice self examination.
In the model the breast nodules are shown the way they tend to appear in a female breast.
Moreover you can also participate in a course - "Mamma-Care" or "Breast-Care" - for palpation of breast nodules in the department of gynaecology, building 15. A brochure to this regard is also available at the reception. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask our team members.
"Women´s Health" Team
Range of services / Equipment
Digital mammography

Is it necessary to prepare for the examination?
There is no need for special preparation.
Please bring any previous findings and images with you to the examination.
Who is eligible for a mammogram?
- Women with overweight
- Women with a stressful family history
- Women with diabetes mellitus
- Women who have not given birth to children
- Women with early menarche
- Women with late menopause
- Women patients over the age of 50
MR Mammography

X-ray radiation-free cross-sectional imaging of the breast
Magnetic resonance imaging of the breast (MR mammography or breast MRI) is a very sensitive method that can be used to diagnose even the smallest mammary tumors and precancerous lesions (DCIS). With this method, tumors can already be found that are not yet visible in X-ray mammography and ultrasound.
A breast MRI is mainly used for the early detection of breast cancer in women with a high familial risk, or for the precise clarification of unclear findings detected by mammography or ultrasound.
When should you have a breast MRI?
It should be performed in the first half of the cycle, as false accumulations of contrast agent are usually found in the second half of the cycle.
- After breast-conserving surgery: to differentiate between a scar and a second tumor
- After prosthesis implantation: to clarify suspicious findings or to clarify prosthesis defects
- Before breast-conserving surgery: to rule out multiple cancer sites in one breast if the breast gland was difficult to assess on mammography and sonography
- In the case of conspicuous lymph nodes: to search for a tumor focus in the breast if mammography and sonography gave no indication of a cancer focus
Is it necessary to prepare for the examination?
There is no need for special preparation.
Please bring any previous findings and images with you to the examination.

Mammographic additional procedure for visualization of the milk ducts
BIn the case of unclear fluid secretions from the nipple, a galactography can detect pathological changes within the milk duct system.
Before the X-ray is taken, a contrast medium is injected into the secretory milk duct with the aid of a thin plastic tube. The examination result is called a galactogram and represents changes in the milk ducts.
Galactography is used to detect and localize a tumor or papilloma in the milk duct so that the change can be removed in a subsequent operation.
Is it necessary to prepare for the examination?
There is no need for special preparation.
Please bring any previous findings and images with you to the examination.
You can expect a motivated and extremely competent team
Dr. med. Maximilian Lahrsow
Responsible senior physician
069 6301-5174
Dr. med. Rotraud Mulert-Ernst
Comm. Responsible senior physician
Karin Möller
Function: Senior MTRA
Zertifizierte Qualität
The Gynecological Radiology Department, Prof. Dr. T. J. Vogl, OÄ Dr. med. L. Lena and the team of medical-technical radiology assistants are certified by the Society for Quality Assurance in Medicine (GQmed) for their high technical image quality with low radiation dose.
Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001/2008 by DQS GmbH.