Diagnostics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Device equipment

Arrange appointment

You are welcome to visit us in the time
from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

069 6301-87202

069 6301-5252

Uni­ver­si­täts­kli­ni­kum Frank­furt
Klinik für Ra­dio­lo­gie und Nuklearmedizin
Haus 23C Un­ter­ge­schoss
Theo­dor-Sternn-Kai 7
60590 Frank­furt am Main

This computer-assisted radiation-free method offers a simple and detailed diagnoses of all the body parts and organs. Due to absence of radiation the method is especially suitable for children. Patients with metal-implantation and prosthesis are contraindicated for the method except under special circumstances. Patient with cardiac pacemaker is an absolute contraindication.

Our clinic has ultra-modern magnetic resonance tomographs at its disposal.


Make your examination appointment Monday through Friday between the hours of 07:30 and 17:00.

Secretariat Prof. Thomas J. Vogl

 069 6301-7277

Intervention Clinic

 069 6301-4736

Central Radiology

 069 6301-87202

Gynaecological radiology

 069 6301-5174

Paediatric radiology

 069 6301-5248

069 6301-​87202