Virtual Colonography
Dear Readers,
Dear Patients,
On the following Pages we would like to inform you about the Virtual Colonography.
The CT Colonography, also known as Virtual Colonoscopy, is a new Method to Study the Colon with surrounding Organs. For this Purpose, the abdominal cavity with purified and Air stretched Colon was added in three Dimensions in 15-20s. From the 3D-Data set a Colonoscopy can be simulated (Virtual Colonoscopy). As a Screening Method, this Study is yet to be tested,but already used Routinely in certain Clinical Problems.
An alternative is the Colonoscopy with the Advantage that the mucosa may be better assessed here and if positive tissue Samples can be taken from the Same. However, Colonoscopy is limited to the Examination of the large Intestine. In Contrast to CT Colonography the other Institutions can not be assessed.

Instructions for bowel cleansing Preparation for Colonoscopy of the Intestine with Prepacol
Only a clean Colon can be judged!
Is not clean the Intestines, the test must be Canceled and Repeated.
2 Days before the Examination |
Meiden: Blähende Speisen, Brot Hülsenfrüchte, fettreiche Kost, Milch, Gemüse, Obst, Salat, Vollkornprodukte, Reis, Fleisch, Fruchtsäfte, kohlensäurehaltige Getränke und Schokolade. SHUN: Bloating Foods, Bread Legumes, High-Fat Foods, Milk, Vegetables, Fruit, Salad, Whole Grains, Rice, Meat, Fruit Juices, Carbonated Drinks and Chocolate. Allows: Slightly Sweetened Tea or Coffee without Milk, Biscuits, Eggs, Lean Ham and Carbonated Mineral Water. |
1 Days before the Examination |
Only Liquid Diet Drink Occupy (e.g. Soup) and throughout the day 3 Liters of Carbonated Mineral Water. About 6 pm: the Prepacol Solution to take Water with half a Glass and then Drink a large Glass of Water (1/4 liter). Now, do not eat until Examination! To about 22 pm: 4 Prepacol Tablets unchewed and again with a big Glass of Water. So please drink Water until you only have to Resign Crystal clear Liquid. |
Day of the examination |
In the Morning, still allowed: Tea or Coffee, but without Milk. No solid Food but plenty of Non-Carbonated Mineral Water! If you are taking Medication, please note that their Effectiveness may be waived or limited by the discharge. The Contraindications and side effects, please refer to the package insert. |
Examination Procedure
First, you are Positioned in a lateral position on the CT Table. It is then inserted a Tube into your Rectum. Then turn please carefully on the the Back. Then Access will be placed in a Vein in your Arm. You can place the Arms from across the Head.
The Intestine can be beurtteilt only when it is sufficiently exhibited. For this purpose, the intestine is gently inflated with air. This is done in two stages: first, as long as air is introduced into the intestine until you tell the doctor a slight feeling of fullness. Then, an overview image is made in order to assess the degree of intestinal development and to define the scan area. Then you Buscopan is given to reduce the Voltage of the intestinal wall. Under the Action of Buscopan the Intestine is then further expands, until your tolerance limit reached.
Since you have smptoms that we use to improve Disease Detection Contrast Agent. The Contrast Agent is given to you in the second "Inflate Phase". There may be a slight heat Sensation, but this is Harmless.
To ensure that Images are not blurred, you should not move during recording and also not breathe. Before Starting the Recording, you therefore get automatically notified Breathing Command.
After Recording the Images are roughly assessed. When the Colon is not developed enough, the shooting in the Brone Position with more air is repeated in the Intestine. When the Colon is not cleaned sufficiently, the Investigation will be Terminated.
Once the Investigation is completed, the Intestinal Tube is cut to you to take the Pressure in the gut again. The phase of the maximum pressure feeling therefore only takes a few seconds.
Final Discussion
The extensive Data Set (1024 images, 700 MB) requires a lot of Time and Concentration in the Analysis. We therefore ask for your understanding that we can tell you only a preliminary finding. A final Report findings follows after a few days.
When is a subsequent Colonoscopy required?
A Colonoscopy is for further clarification required for:
- Lack of Development of the Intestine
- Questionable Findings and
- A Positive Result
The Colonoscopy can be performed immediately thereafter in the Department of Gastroenterology, so that you do not even have to clean the Colon and quickly get certainty about the Diagnosis.