Examination methods
On this page we have summarized our examination methods for you at a glance. You will find a responsible contact person under each description.
Our institute has two of the most modern angiography systems with robotics the Siemens Artis Zeego and Siemens Artis Pheno1 each with Dyna-CT functionality.
We offer the entire spectrum of diagnostic angiography.
In addition, we perform angiograhic therapy procedures.
Minimally invasive treatment methods for tumors
- Myoma embolization
- Selective Internal Radiotherapy with SIR-Spheres
- Transpulmonary Chemoembolization (TPCE)
- Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE)
- Transarterial Chemoperfusion (TACP)
- Prostate Embolization
Minimally invasive treatment procedures for vascular diseases
- Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt anlage (TIPPS).
- Embolization of acute bleeding
- peripheral arterial occlusive disease (pAVK)
- Port implantation
- Vena Cava Filter Implantation
Responsible senior physician
Dr. med. Axel Thalhammer
Tel.: +49 69 6301-87290
Team leader
Sina Turnsek
Tel.: +49 69 6301-87202
We offer the complete spectrum of X-ray diagnostics.
Responsible senior physician:
Dr. med. Marc Harth
Tel.: +49 69 6301-87292
Team leader
Frau Elke Marzi
Innovation and technical advancement have always been and still are the claim of our department. Therefore, we are particularly pleased that we have succeeded in bringing to Frankfurt, as one of the first centers worldwide, probably the most modern and innovative computer tomographs, the Somatom Force Dual Source, the Somatom Definition AS 128 lines Multislice and the Somatom Definition AS Sliding, for the best possible care of our patients.
We offer the entire spectrum of imaging diagnostics. In addition, we offer cardiovascular imaging.
We perform CT-guided interventions such as.
- Drainage systems
- Biopsy removals
Minimally invasive tumor treatments
- Radiofrequency tumor ablation (RFA)
- Microwave ablation (MWA)
Responsible senior physician
Prof. Dr. med. Katrin Eichler
Tel.: +49 69 6301-87288
Team leader
Marina Dreiste
Tel.: +49 69 6307-87263
We offer the complete spectrum of magnetic resonance imaging, including cardiovascular imaging. Our institute has two 1.5 Tesla MRI`s, a special 1.5 Tesla MRI for children and a high-end 3.0 Tesla high-field MRI.
We perform MR-guided interventions for biopsy sampling of the prostate and mamma.
Responsible senior physician:
Tel.: +49 69 6301-87211
Team leader
Daniel Alzmann
Tel.: +49 69 6301-87222
Ultrasound diagnostics (sonography) is, along with computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, the most widely used imaging examination procedure in medicine. By emitting and receiving harmless ultrasound waves, this technique allows imaging of most structures of the internal body. A gel is used during the examination because the sound waves cannot pass through air and bone.
An ultrasound examination produces cross-sectional images. In the Doppler procedure, it is possible to visualize the movement of the body. With this method it is possible to assess the function of the heart muscle, intestine and joints.
The following ultrasound examinations are routinely performed:
- Doppler examinations of the carotid artery, pelvic and leg veins, heart,...
- Lymph nodes
- Pancreas
- Liver
- Spleen
- Kidneys
In addition, we also routinely perform the following sonographies specifically in the area of pediatric radiology:
- Sonography of the brain
- Sonography of the spine and spinal cord
- Sonography of the infant hip
Responsible senior physician:
Dr. med. Marc Harth
Tel.: +49 69 6301-87292
Children are not small adults. Imaging diagnostics is the central field of activity of our pediatric radiology. Children have a characteristic anatomy and physiology, have different needs and different diseases than adults. They require a lot of attention and patience - also in medicine. With special experience and state-of-the-art technology, our radiologists in pediatric radiology, the only pediatric radiology facility in the Rhine-Main region, dedicate themselves to the little patients.
The following examinations are performed in our functional area:
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
We have a state-of-the-art MRI machine with a large tube opening, which makes the examination more comfortable for children. In addition to the complete spectrum of standard MRI procedures, it also enables special examination methods such as whole-body MRIs with short measurement times. In cooperation with the anesthesiology department, we also regularly perform MRI examinations under anesthesia. MRI examinations of the skull and spine are performed in cooperation with the Institute for Neuroradiology.
X-ray and computed tomography
X-ray diagnostics is still an important and indispensable imaging examination in childhood. Thanks to state-of-the-art digital solid-state detectors and imaging plates, radiation exposure is extremely low.
If computed tomography is necessary, we have the latest generation of state-of-the-art computergraphs, which allow us to reduce the radiation dose during computed tomography to a necessary minimum.
Ultrasound (sonography)
Ultrasound examinations are the most important imaging examinations in children. In most cases, they already enable the final diagnosis.
All examinations (with the exception of cardiac ultrasound) are performed in our pediatric radiology department.
This also includes all ultrasound Doppler examinations and functional ultrasound examinations.
For the examination it is important that the patient does not have to be fasting. For the evaluation of the kidneys and the internal genitals in girls, it is essential that the urinary bladder is well filled.
Responsible Senior Physician:
Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer
Tel.: +49 69 6301-5248
Team leader
Karin Möller
Gynecological radiology deals with diseases of the breast (senology). It is a subsection of the Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology.
Range of services / equipment
Digital mammography
At our institute, we perform a special form of mammogaphy, digital mammography using the state-of-the-art Mammomat Inspiration Prime Edition from Siemens.
MR Mammography
Röntgenstrahlungsfreies Schnittbildverfahren der Brust
Eine Magnetresonanztomographie der Brust(MR-Mammograhie oder auch Mamma-MRT) ist eine sehr sensitive Methode, mit der bereits kleinste Mammatumore und Tumorvorstufen (DCIS) diagnostiziert werden können. Mit dieser Methode können sich bereits Tumore finden lassen, die in der Röntgen-Mammographie und im Ultraschall noch nicht sichtbar sind.
Eine Mamma-MRT kommt vor allem zum Einsatz, wenn es um die Früherkennung von Brustkrebs bei Frauen mit einem hohen familiären Risiko geht oder auch zur genauen Abklärung unklarer Befunde, die bei einer Mammographie oder im Ultraschall festgestellt wurden.
Wann sollte man ein MRT der Brust durchführen?
Sie sollte in der ersten Zyklushälfte durchgeführt werden, da in der zweiten Zyklushälfte meist falsche Anreicherungen von Kontrastmittel zu finden sind.
- Nach einer brusterhaltenden Operation: zur Unterscheidung zwischen einer Narbe und einem Zweittumor
- Nach einer Prothesenimplantation: zur Abklärung von verdächtigen Befunden oder zur Abklärung von Prothesendefekten
- Vor einer brusterhaltenden Operation: zum Ausschluss von mehreren Krebsherden in einer Brust, wenn der Brustdrüsenkörper in der Mammografie und Sonografie schwer beurteilbar war
- Bei auffälligen Lymphknoten: zur Suche nach einem Tumorherd in der Brust, wenn Mammografie und Sonografie keinen Hinweis auf einen Krebsherd ergaben
Mammographic additional procedure for visualization of the milk ducts.
In the case of unclear fluid secretions from the nipple, a galactography can detect pathological changes within the milk duct system.
Before the x-ray is taken, a contrast medium is injected into the secretory milk duct with the aid of a thin plastic tube. The examination result is called a galactogram and represents changes in the milk ducts.
Galactography is used to detect and localize a tumor or papilloma in the milk duct so that the change can be removed in a subsequent operation.
Senior physician:
Dr. Med. Maximilian Lahrsow
Tel.: +49 69 6301-5174
Comm. Responsible Attending:
Dr. med. Rotraud Malert-Ernst
Team Lead:
Karin Möller
In 2007, the cooperation between the Orthopedic University Hospital and our institute was concluded. This close interlocking of the individual radiological areas ensures an overarching and uniform quality.
Since then, the Radiology Department of the Orthopedic University Hospital has been under the professional supervision of Prof. Thomas Vogl, MD.
The orthopedic radiology department is equipped with state-of-the-art sectional imaging systems and X-ray diagnostic systems, enabling us to offer our patients more accurate and faster diagnostics and therapeutic checks of musculoskeletal disorders.
Range of services / equipment
Computed tomography
Philips Healthcare's state-of-the-art MX16 multi-slice computed tomography scanner allows us to offer our patients and referring physicians faster and more accurate diagnosis of diseases and accidental injuries.
Progress in orthopedic diagnostics
The DigitalDiagnost VM Compact from Philips is a single-detector stand that can be used universally for frontal, lateral and angulated images. It is suitable for all thoracic and skeletal diagnostics, as well as for imaging in trauma diagnostics.
The detector unit is equipped with a digital flat panel detector, which has a large image field of 43 cm x 43 cm, an image matrix of 9 million pixels and a digitization of the image with over 16 0000 gray levels corresponding to 14 bits.
The special advantage of this examination device is the attachment of the detector to a rotatable and tiltable C-arm stand.
Magnetic resonance imaging
Our new high-performance magnetic resonance tomograph Achieva 1.5T Nova from Philips now offers our patients a significantly expanded examination spectrum. The magnetic resonance tomograph works without X-rays and thus avoids additional exposure of the patient to radiation. The device is extremely patient-friendly while providing high-resolution and high-contrast cross-sectional images of the human body.
The focus is on studies of the representation of:
- Orthopedic joint diagnostics
- Central and peripheral vascular imaging
- Cardiac Diagnostics
- Head display
- Abdominal imaging
Responsible senior physician:
Dr. med. Matthias Heller
Te.: +49 69 6705-212
Team Lead:/strong>
Heidrun Boller-Liedtke