Diagnostics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Siemens Magnetom ESPREE 1,5 Tesla

Presenting the Open High-Performance-MRI Espree

Arrange appointment

You are welcome to visit us in the time
from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

069 6301-87202

069 6301-5252

Uni­ver­si­täts­kli­ni­kum Frank­furt
Klinik für Ra­dio­lo­gie und Nuklearmedizin
Haus 23C Un­ter­ge­schoss
Theo­dor-Sternn-Kai 7
60590 Frank­furt am Main


Responsible senior physician

Prof. Dr. med. K. Eichler


[Source: Siemens AG, 2005]

With the introduction of 1.5 Tesla-MRI with Open-Gantry "Magnetom Espree" from Siemens Medical System, the first of its kind in the whole world, we offer our patients the advantages of an open environment for the full spectrum of examinations. The Espree with its unique built offers the patients more free-space. The head of the patient stays outside the scanner in more than 60% of the examinations. This is hugely beneficial especially for patients with claustrophobia.

  • Compact magnet-length of 125 cm only
  • Gantry diameter of 70 cm
  • Strong magnetic field of 1.5 Tesla
  • TIM-technology (total imaging matrix)


Espree Untersuchung Schlangenfrau

The first examination of a contortionist in MRI worldwide [Source: Sat1 PLANETOPIA]


Make your examination appointment Monday through Friday between the hours of 07:30 and 17:00.

Secretariat Prof. Thomas J. Vogl

 069 6301-7277

Intervention Clinic

 069 6301-4736

Central Radiology

 069 6301-87202

Gynaecological radiology

 069 6301-5174

Paediatric radiology

 069 6301-5248

069 6301-​87202