Lectures with Abstract
Overview of held Lectures with the publicized Abstract
Lectures at the BSIR 2014
Prof. Thomas J. Vogl
Tackling Tumours with Thermal ABlation: Radiofrequency, Microwave & Laser ablation
Lectures held at the RSNA 2010
Marc Harth, Dr.med.
Ga-68-DOTATOC Pet/CT Imaging with an Optimized CT Protocol, and Postprocessing Providing Maximum Information for Postoperative Follow-up and Treatment Planning in a Case of Neuroendocrinal Tumor (NET)
Thomas Lehnert, Dr. med.
Quantification of Lung Tissue Damage in Multiple Trauma Patients: Final Results of the Correlation between CT Findings and Circulation Clara Cell-Protein 16 (CC16) Plasma Levels
Ahmed M. Tawfik, MBBCH, MS
Quantitative Perfusion CT of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: Calculation from the Single Section with Tumor Dimension or the Average of Multiple Sections?
Ahmed M. Tawfik, MBBCH, MS
Balacing Radiation Dose and Image Quality in Dual-Source Dual-Energy CT (DECT) of the Neck
Wolfgang Kromen
Correlation of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Late Gadolinium Enhancement with Histopathological Inflammation, Wall Thickness, and Serological Parameters in an Animal Model of Myocarditis
Josef Matthias Kerl, Dr. med.
Dual Energy CT for the Detection of Delayed Enhancement in Reperfused Chronic Infarction: A Comparison to Magnetic Resonance Imageing and Histopathology in a Porcine Model
Alireza Azizi, MD
Liver Metastases of Pancreatic Cancer: Role of Repetitive Transarterial Chempembolization (TACE) on Tumor Response and Survival
Thomas J. Vogl, Prof.
Synergistic Effect of Transarterial Hepatic Chemoembolization (TACE) Followed by Microwave Ablation Therapy
Ralf W. Bauer, Dr. med.
Dual Energy CT Lung Perfusion Analysis: Correlation of Perfusion Defect Size with Laboratory Markers, Right Heart Strain, and Clinical Outcome
Nagy N. Naguib, MSc
MR-Imaging before Uterine Artery Embolization: Correlation between the Preembolization Leiomyoma Enhancement and the Leiomyoma Volume Change at Follow-up
Thomas J. Vogl, Prof.
Chemoperfusion as a Minimal Invasive Treatment for Pleural Mesotheliomas
Nour-Eldin A. Nour-Eldin, Dr. med.
Pulmonary Haemorrhage Complicating Radiofrequency Ablation, from Mild Haemoptysis to Life Threatening Pattern
Boris Bodelle, Dr. med.
MR-guided Transgluteal Biopsies with a 1.5 T Open Gantry System in Patients with Clinically Suspected Prostate Cancer: Technique and Results
Thomas Lehnert Dr. med.
Final Results of Intradiscal and Periganglionic of Medical Ozone and Periganglionic Administration of Steroids and Anesthetic for the Treatment of Lumbar Disk Herniaton: Effects on Disk Size and Lumbar Radiculopathy in 283 Patients
Thomas Lehnert Dr. med.
Final Results of Inradiscal Injection of Oxygen Ozone Mixture for the Treatment of Cervical Disk Herniations: Effects on Disk Size and Cervical Radioculopathy
Thomas J. Vogl, Prof.
Management of Pulmonary Metastases: Microwave Ablation Therapy versus Combined Pulmonary Chemoembolization and Microwave Ablation
Josef Matthias Kerl, Dr. med.
Dose Levels at Coronary CT Angiography: A Comparison of Dual Energy-, Dual Source-, and 16-Slice CT
Ahmed M. Tawfik, MBBCH, MS
Perfusion CT of Head and Neck Cancer: Effect of Arterial Input Selection
Sebastian Lindemayr, Dr. med.
Transpulmonary Chemoembolization (TPCE) as a Regional Oncological Treatment for Nonresectable Lung Metastases
Tatjana Gruber-Rouh
Treatment of Patients with Unresectable Liver Metastases of Gastric Cancer with Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE): Local Control and Survival Results
Thomas J. Vogl, Prof.
Unresectable Liver Metastases of Colorectal Cancer: A Novel Protocol with Neoadjuvant Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE) before MR-guided Laser-induced Thermotherapy (LITT)
Sebastian Lindemayr, Dr. med.
Transpulmonary Chemoembolization (TPCE) as a Palliative Tratment for Nonresectable Primary Tumors of the Lung
Abstracts vom 2nd UCT Science Day
Autor(en): Nagy N.N. Naguib, Nour-Eldin A. Nour-Eldin, Thomas Lehnert, John E. Abskharon, Thomas J. Vogl
Autor(en): Nagy N.N. Naguib, John E. Abskharon, Nour-Eldin A. Nour-Eldin, Thomas Lehnert, Thomas J. Vogl
Autor(en): Nagy N.N. Naguib, Nour-Eldin A. Nour-Eldin, Thomas Lehnert, John E. Abskharon, Thomas J. Vogl
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Sebastian Lindemayr
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Nagy N. Naguib, Na Nour-Eldin, Thomas Lehnert, Emmanuel Mbalisike
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Martin G. Mack, Nagy N. Naguib, Na Nour-Eldin
Lectures held at 90th Congress of Radiology 2009
Refresher focus use of MRCP in the Area of Conflict - a Challenge to Radiology
Quelle: 90. Röntgenkongress 2009
Autor(en): Prof. T. Vogl
Quelle: 90. Röntgenkongress 2009
Autor(en): Dr. med. Renate Hammerstingl
6th Magnetom World Summit
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. T. Vogl Thema: Syngo GRACE - Breast Spectroscopy
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Lecture and Abstracts at the 89. Congress of Radiology 2008
1. S. Zangos, K. Eichler, C. Müller, V. Khan, T. Burkhard, T. Lehnert, M.G. Mack, T. Vogl
Ganzkörper-MR-Angiographie mittels kontinuierlichem Tischvorschub (TimCT-Technologie) und Einzelinjektionsprotokoll
2. Lehnert, T.; Berg-Schlosser, F.; Drieske, M.; Balzer, J. O.; Jacobi, V.; Mack, M. G.; Vogl, T
CT-gesteuerte intradiskale und intraforaminale Ozon/Sauerstoffinjektion: Eine kausale Therapie des bandscheibenprolapsassoziierten Schmerzsyndroms an 110 Patienten
3. Proschek, D.; Mack, M. G.; Vogl, T.; Geiger, F.
Dosisreduktion durch Sabre Source-navigierte Facettengelenks-Infiltration: Eine prospektive Pilotstudie an 60 Patienten
4. Mack, M. G.; Maier, B.; Laurer, H.; Ploss, C.; Eichler, K.; Thalhammer, A.; Marzi, I.; Vogl, T.
CT-assistierte Versorgung von Patienten mit instabilen Frakturen der Brustwirbelsäule
5. Lindemayr, S.; Lehnert, T.; Korkusuz, H.; Hammerstingl, R.; Eichler, K.; Vogl, T.
Transpulmonale Chemoembolisation (TPCE): Eine prospektive Studie zur Therapie von primären Lungentumoren
6. Vogl, T.; Eichler, K.; Hammerstingl, R.; Lindemayr, S.
Lungenmetastasen verschiedener Primärtumoren: transpulmonalen Chemomebolisation (TPCE) als palliative Therapieoption
7. Proschek, P.; Proschek, D.; Mack, M. G.; Vogl, T.
Radiofrequenz-Ablation von Knochenmetastasen der Humanen Mamma-Karzinom-Zelllinie MDA-MB-231 in Nacktratten
8. Vogl, T.; Zangos, S.; Jakob, U.; Bauer, R. W.
Irresektable Lebermetastasen: Ergebnisse der regionalen transarteriellen Chemoperfusion (TACP) mit einer Kombination von Gemzitabin und Mitomycin C
9. Vogl, T.; Eichler, K.; Gruber, T.; Zangos, S.
Transarterielle Chemoembolisation (TACE) von Lebermetastasen: Prospektive Studie zum Einsatz beim Mammakarzinom
10. Eichler, K.; Mack, M. G.; Zangos, S.; Lehnert, T.; Khan, V.; Hammerstingl, R.; Vogl, T.
Erste Ergebnisse der lokalen transarteriellen Chemoembolisation (TACE) mit Irinotecan geladenen Microspheren (DC Bead™) bei Patienten mit Lebermetastasen eines Kolorektalen Karzinoms
Lectures at 406th Frankfurter Röntgenabend
11. Burkhard, T.; Herzog, C.; Linzbach, S.; Spyridopoulos, I.; Vogl, T.
Impaired diastolic function in hypertension: cardiac MRI flow measurement compared to echocardiography
12. Vogl, T.; Balzer, J. O.; Hübner, F.
Entwicklung eines innovativen Verfahrens für das Design von Antidekubitus Materialien mittels MRT: Technische Entwicklung
13. Korkusuz, H.; Ester, P.; Hübner, F.; El Kader, A.; Gurung, J.; Kahn, V.; Lehnert, T.; Vogl, T.
Experimentelle Autoimmun Myokarditis im Rattenmodell: Late Enhancement
14. Proschek, P.; Proschek, D.; Mack, M. G.; Vogl, T.
Induktion von lokalen Knochenmetastasen der Humanen Mamma-Karzinom-Zelllinie MDA-MB-231 in Nacktratten
Interventionelle Onkollogie
Siemens Artis zeego - Neue diagnostische und interventionelle Dimensionen?
1. Prof. Dr. T. Vogl
Dyna-CT Einsatz in der Tumordiagnostik und bei onkologischen Interventionen.
2. Dr. Nagy Naguib
Neue Behandlungswege und Darstellungsmöglichkeiten für abdominelle und periphere Interventionen.
3. PD Dr. S. Zangos
Einsatz der Rotationsangiographie in der Peripherie - erste Ergebnisse in der Behandlung der pAVK.
4. Dr. T. Lehnert
Siemens Artis - Einzug eines Industrierboters in der Angiographie. Was bringt die Zukunft?
Lectures at ECR 2008 Congress
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): M. Eisenblaetter, T.J. Vogl, A. Wall, W. Heindel, J. Roth, C. Bremer
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): S. Bisdas, M. Baghi, J. Wagenblast, T. Koh, T.J. Vogl, M.G. Mack
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): S. Bisdas, L. Medov, M. Baghi, T. Koh, T.J. Vogl, M.G. Mack
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): M.G. Mack, M. Baghi, R. Knecht, M. Hambek, S. Bisdas, T.J. Vogl
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): T. Burkhard, C. Herzog, S. Linzbach, I. Spyridopoulos, F. Huebner, T. Vogl
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): N.A.N. Mohammed, N.N.N. Naguib, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): T.J. Vogl, K. Eichler, T. Lehnert, R. Hammerstingl, S. Lindemayr
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): S.G. Lindemayr, T. Lehnert, K. Eichler, H. Korkusuz, R. Hammerstingl, S. Zangos, T.J. Vogl
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): N.A.N. Mohammed, N.N.N. Naguib, K. Eichler, T. Lehnert, T.J. Vogl
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): T.J. Vogl, S. Zangos, U. Jacob, R. Bauer
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): T.J. Vogl, T. Gruber, S. Zangos, J. Balzer
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): S. Bisdas, M. Baghi, I. Burck, M. Kerl, J. Wagenblast, C. Thng, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl, T. Koh
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): H.-R. Kim, C. Thilo, A. Flauaus, B. Ruzsics, H. Lee, J.A. Abro, S.A. Nguyen, T.J. Vogl, P. Costello,U.J. Schoepf
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): R.W. Bauer, C. Thilo, S.A. Chiaramida, T.J. Vogl, P. Costello, U.J. Schoepf
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): M.G. Mack, B. Maier, J. Frank, K. Eichler, A. Thalhammer, F. Walcher, I. Marzi, T.J. Vogl
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): T. Lehnert, F. Berg-Schlosser, J.O. Balzer, V. Jacobi, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): M.G. Mack, K. Eichler, S. Zangos, T. Lehnert, D. Proschek, K. Hochmuth, T.J. Vogl
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): M.G. Mack, B. Maier, C. Ploss, K. Eichler, J. Frank, I. Marzi, T.J. Vogl
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): T. Lehnert, H. Korkusuz, F. Khan, V. Jacobi, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl, N.N.N. Naguib
Quelle: ECR 2008 Kongress
Autor(en): N.N.N. Naguib, N. Mohammed, T.J. Vogl
Abstracts ECR, Wien 4. - 8. March 2005
Special Focus Session, Rectal carcinoma, Post-treatment follow-up T.J. Vogl
Refresher Course, Radiological approach to stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, Nasopharynx M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Refresher Course, Imaging in cochlear implant candidates, Paranasal sinuses T.J. Vogl, M. Mack
European Excellence in Education, Interactive image teaching, Paranasal sinuses T.J. Vogl, M. Mack
Refresher Course, How to investigate facial pain, Neuralgia and uncommon causes
Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) in comparison to transarterial chemoperfusion (TACP) in patients with inoperable intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinomas (ICC) M. Heller, S. Zangos, W. Schwarz, J.O. Balzer, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Flat-panel detector CT for assessment of coronary artery stents: Comparison with 16-slice spiral CT A.H. Mahnken, T. Seyfarth, T. Flohr, C. Herzog, S. Stanzel, R.W. Günther, J.E. Wildberger
Clinical evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of a software for automated detection of lung nodules in preliminary CT examinations J. Gurung, T.J. Vogl, A. Wetter
Prediction of the extent of cerebral infarction and assessment of the clinical condition using functional CT perfusion and diffusion-weighted MR imaging in hyperacute ischemic stroke S. Bisdas, F. Donnerstag, K. Weissenborn, C. Herzog, M. Harth, B. Ahl, I. Bohrer, H. Becker, T. Vogl
Prospective evaluation of a routine protocol for combined magnetic resonance and 1H-spectroscopic imaging of the prostate in patients prior to radical prostatectomy A. Wetter, T. Engl, D. Nadjmabadi, T. Lehnert, W.-D. Beecken, D. Jonas, T.J. Vogl
Cardiac imaging: Coronary artery bypass grafting imaging of the proximal anatomoses created by nitinol implants. A retrospective two observer evaluation M. Khan, C. Herzog, K. Landenberger, S. Martens, A. Maataoui, M. Dietrich, T.J. Vogl
Human growth factor (HGF) evaluation before liver intervention: A prognostic significance for liver regeneration T. Lehnert, A. Gazis, A. Wetter, S. Zangos, R. Hammerstingl, A. Thalhammer, W.-O. Bechstein, T.J. Vogl
MR-guided laser induced thermotherapy of liver metastases of gastric cancer M.G. Mack, T. Lehnert, K. Eichler, R. Straub, J.O. Balzer, S. Zangos, T.J. Vogl; Frankfurt a. Main/DE
Prospective analysis of the value of different MRI sequences for the detection of early stages of arthropathy in patients with hemophilia M.G. Mack, K. Hochmuth, J.K.E. Müller, A. Thalhammer, M. Krause, A. Kurth, T.J. Vogl; Frankfurt a. Main/DE
MR-guided laser induced thermotherapy (LITT) of colorectal carcinoma metastases in the liver M.G. Mack, K. Eichler, R. Straub, T. Lehnert, J.O. Balzer, S. Zangos, T.J. Vogl
High resolution superparamagnetic iron oxide enhanced MRI for the diagnosis lymph node metastases in patients with head and neck cancer M.G. Mack, J. Rieger, M. Baghi, J.O. Balzer, R. Knecht, M. Helbig, T.J. Vogl
MR-guided galvano-therapy in patients with prostate cancer: Technique and first clinical results S. Zangos, H. Mayer, F. Mayer, A. Wetter, K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, W. Schwarz, T.J. Vogl
A new cordless coil for MR-guided percutaneous biopsies in a low field system: First clinical experiences S. Zangos, M.G. Mack, K. Eichler, C. Herzog, M. Heller, T. Vetter, T. Lehnert, T.J. Vogl
"Lesions in necrosis phenomenon" in patients with liver metastases of neuroendocrine tumor after thermal ablation K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, T. Lehnert, S. Zangos, O. Söllner, C. Herzog, T.J. Vogl
Hepatic intra-arterial chemotherapy with gemcitabine: An ongoing phase II study in patients with liver metastases of breast cancer K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, J.O. Balzer, A. Thalhammer, W. Schwarz, M. Heller, S. Zangos, T.J. Vogl
Emergent endovascular stentgraft implantation for perforated acute type B dissections and ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysms J.O. Balzer, M. Doss, A. Thalhammer, M.G. Mack, A. Moritz, T.J. Vogl
Percutaneous, transfemoral implantation of an IA port system for locoregional chemotherapy in liver metastasis: Long term outcome J.O. Balzer1, N. Fleiter, M.G. Mack, E. Böcher, T. Hamm, T.J. Vogl
Diagnostic imaging of primary liver tumors: Evaluation of the hepatocyte-specific contrast agent Gd-EOB-DTPA R. Hammerstingl, W. Schwarz, J. Breuer, T. Balzer, T.J. Vogl
Diagnostic work-up in the liver using SPIO-enhanced MRI: Comparison with histopathologic and clinical findings W.V. Schwarz, R. Hammerstingl, F. Marquardt, B. Götz, M. Heller, T.J. Vogl
Visualization of the coronary arteries in children: A comparison between 2 MR sequences N.D. Abolmaali, A. Esmaeili, M. Schmitt, R. Hofstetter, T.J. Vogl
Effect of laser-induced thermotherapy (LITT) on liver metastasis of varying size A. Maataoui, J. Qian, M.G. Mack, M.F. Khan, R. Straub, E. Oppermann, T.J. Vogl
Imaging and classification of atherosclerotic plaques in Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits using 16-row multidetector-CT C. Herzog, S. Zangos, D.N. Krug, K. Eichler, T.J. Vogl
Traumatic injuries of the pelvis and thoracic and lumbar spine. Does thin-slice multidetector-row CT increase diagnostic accuracy? C. Herzog, M.G. Mack, S. Zangos, W. Schwarz, K. Eichler, L. Thomas, T.J. Vogl
Multidetector-row cardiac CT before minimal invasive bypass surgery C. Herzog, W. Schwarz, S. Zangos, J.O. Balzer, K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Detection of malignant pulmonary nodules: Determination of the optimal MRI sequence and evaluation of its performance W. Luboldt, K. Eichler, C. Herborn, T.O.F. Wagner, H.-G. Fieguth, T.J. Vogl
Optimization of iodine concentration for the diagnosis of focal liver lesions in MDCT R. Hammerstingl, P.J. Valette, D.M. Regent, T.J. Vogl
Double contrast technique in MRI of liver: Differential diagnosis compared to histopathologic findings R. Hammerstingl, S. Parmentier, W. Schwarz, T.J. Vogl
Quadruple-phase MDCT of the liver in patients with suspected HCC: Effect of contrast material flow rate W. Schima, T.J. Vogl, C. Catalano, L. Marti-Bonmati, E.J. Rummeny, F. Tardaguila Montero
MR flow measurements in the coronary arteries: First results in patients without coronary artery disease N.D. Abolmaali, M. Schiemann, V. Hietschold, A. Koch, P. Kleine, T.J. Vogl
MR flow measurements in the coronary arteries before and after aortic valve surgery: Initial results N.D. Abolmaali, M. Schiemann, V. Hietschold, A. Koch, P. Kleine, T.J. Vogl
Peripheral artery stent visualization and in-stent re-stenosis analysis in 16-row computed tomography: An in-vitro evaluation C. Herzog, J.O. Balzer, M.G. Mack, T. Lehnert, W. Schwarz, S. Zangos, K. Eichler, T.J. Vogl
Abdominal MDCT: Protocols and contrast considerations T.J. Vogl, R.M. Hammerstingl
Impact of detection and characterization of liver lesions R. Hammerstingl, J. Breuer, T.J. Vogl
ECR Kongress 2007
Quelle: Frankfurt am Main
Autor(en): Prof. Dr. med. T. Vogl
Abstracts ECR, Wien 4. - 8. March 2005
Special Focus Session, Rectal carcinoma, Post-treatment follow-up T.J. Vogl
Refresher Course, Radiological approach to stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, Nasopharynx M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Refresher Course, Imaging in cochlear implant candidates, Paranasal sinuses T.J. Vogl, M. Mack
European Excellence in Education, Interactive image teaching, Paranasal sinuses T.J. Vogl, M. Mack
Refresher Course, How to investigate facial pain, Neuralgia and uncommon causes
Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) in comparison to transarterial chemoperfusion (TACP) in patients with inoperable intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinomas (ICC) M. Heller, S. Zangos, W. Schwarz, J.O. Balzer, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Flat-panel detector CT for assessment of coronary artery stents: Comparison with 16-slice spiral CT A.H. Mahnken, T. Seyfarth, T. Flohr, C. Herzog, S. Stanzel, R.W. Günther, J.E. Wildberger
Clinical evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of a software for automated detection of lung nodules in preliminary CT examinations J. Gurung, T.J. Vogl, A. Wetter
Prediction of the extent of cerebral infarction and assessment of the clinical condition using functional CT perfusion and diffusion-weighted MR imaging in hyperacute ischemic stroke S. Bisdas, F. Donnerstag, K. Weissenborn, C. Herzog, M. Harth, B. Ahl, I. Bohrer, H. Becker, T. Vogl
Prospective evaluation of a routine protocol for combined magnetic resonance and 1H-spectroscopic imaging of the prostate in patients prior to radical prostatectomy A. Wetter, T. Engl, D. Nadjmabadi, T. Lehnert, W.-D. Beecken, D. Jonas, T.J. Vogl
Cardiac imaging: Coronary artery bypass grafting imaging of the proximal anatomoses created by nitinol implants. A retrospective two observer evaluation M. Khan, C. Herzog, K. Landenberger, S. Martens, A. Maataoui, M. Dietrich, T.J. Vogl
Human growth factor (HGF) evaluation before liver intervention: A prognostic significance for liver regeneration T. Lehnert, A. Gazis, A. Wetter, S. Zangos, R. Hammerstingl, A. Thalhammer, W.-O. Bechstein, T.J. Vogl
MR-guided laser induced thermotherapy of liver metastases of gastric cancer M.G. Mack, T. Lehnert, K. Eichler, R. Straub, J.O. Balzer, S. Zangos, T.J. Vogl; Frankfurt a. Main/DE
Prospective analysis of the value of different MRI sequences for the detection of early stages of arthropathy in patients with hemophilia M.G. Mack, K. Hochmuth, J.K.E. Müller, A. Thalhammer, M. Krause, A. Kurth, T.J. Vogl; Frankfurt a. Main/DE
MR-guided laser induced thermotherapy (LITT) of colorectal carcinoma metastases in the liver M.G. Mack, K. Eichler, R. Straub, T. Lehnert, J.O. Balzer, S. Zangos, T.J. Vogl
High resolution superparamagnetic iron oxide enhanced MRI for the diagnosis lymph node metastases in patients with head and neck cancer M.G. Mack, J. Rieger, M. Baghi, J.O. Balzer, R. Knecht, M. Helbig, T.J. Vogl
MR-guided galvano-therapy in patients with prostate cancer: Technique and first clinical results S. Zangos, H. Mayer, F. Mayer, A. Wetter, K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, W. Schwarz, T.J. Vogl
A new cordless coil for MR-guided percutaneous biopsies in a low field system: First clinical experiences S. Zangos, M.G. Mack, K. Eichler, C. Herzog, M. Heller, T. Vetter, T. Lehnert, T.J. Vogl
"Lesions in necrosis phenomenon" in patients with liver metastases of neuroendocrine tumor after thermal ablation K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, T. Lehnert, S. Zangos, O. Söllner, C. Herzog, T.J. Vogl
Hepatic intra-arterial chemotherapy with gemcitabine: An ongoing phase II study in patients with liver metastases of breast cancer K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, J.O. Balzer, A. Thalhammer, W. Schwarz, M. Heller, S. Zangos, T.J. Vogl
Emergent endovascular stentgraft implantation for perforated acute type B dissections and ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysms J.O. Balzer, M. Doss, A. Thalhammer, M.G. Mack, A. Moritz, T.J. Vogl
Percutaneous, transfemoral implantation of an IA port system for locoregional chemotherapy in liver metastasis: Long term outcome J.O. Balzer1, N. Fleiter, M.G. Mack, E. Böcher, T. Hamm, T.J. Vogl
Diagnostic imaging of primary liver tumors: Evaluation of the hepatocyte-specific contrast agent Gd-EOB-DTPA R. Hammerstingl, W. Schwarz, J. Breuer, T. Balzer, T.J. Vogl
Diagnostic work-up in the liver using SPIO-enhanced MRI: Comparison with histopathologic and clinical findings W.V. Schwarz, R. Hammerstingl, F. Marquardt, B. Götz, M. Heller, T.J. Vogl
Visualization of the coronary arteries in children: A comparison between 2 MR sequences N.D. Abolmaali, A. Esmaeili, M. Schmitt, R. Hofstetter, T.J. Vogl
Effect of laser-induced thermotherapy (LITT) on liver metastasis of varying size A. Maataoui, J. Qian, M.G. Mack, M.F. Khan, R. Straub, E. Oppermann, T.J. Vogl
Imaging and classification of atherosclerotic plaques in Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits using 16-row multidetector-CT C. Herzog, S. Zangos, D.N. Krug, K. Eichler, T.J. Vogl
Traumatic injuries of the pelvis and thoracic and lumbar spine. Does thin-slice multidetector-row CT increase diagnostic accuracy? C. Herzog, M.G. Mack, S. Zangos, W. Schwarz, K. Eichler, L. Thomas, T.J. Vogl
Multidetector-row cardiac CT before minimal invasive bypass surgery C. Herzog, W. Schwarz, S. Zangos, J.O. Balzer, K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Detection of malignant pulmonary nodules: Determination of the optimal MRI sequence and evaluation of its performance W. Luboldt, K. Eichler, C. Herborn, T.O.F. Wagner, H.-G. Fieguth, T.J. Vogl
Optimization of iodine concentration for the diagnosis of focal liver lesions in MDCT R. Hammerstingl, P.J. Valette, D.M. Regent, T.J. Vogl
Double contrast technique in MRI of liver: Differential diagnosis compared to histopathologic findings R. Hammerstingl, S. Parmentier, W. Schwarz, T.J. Vogl
Quadruple-phase MDCT of the liver in patients with suspected HCC: Effect of contrast material flow rate W. Schima, T.J. Vogl, C. Catalano, L. Marti-Bonmati, E.J. Rummeny, F. Tardaguila Montero
MR flow measurements in the coronary arteries: First results in patients without coronary artery disease N.D. Abolmaali, M. Schiemann, V. Hietschold, A. Koch, P. Kleine, T.J. Vogl
MR flow measurements in the coronary arteries before and after aortic valve surgery: Initial results N.D. Abolmaali, M. Schiemann, V. Hietschold, A. Koch, P. Kleine, T.J. Vogl
Peripheral artery stent visualization and in-stent re-stenosis analysis in 16-row computed tomography: An in-vitro evaluation C. Herzog, J.O. Balzer, M.G. Mack, T. Lehnert, W. Schwarz, S. Zangos, K. Eichler, T.J. Vogl
Abdominal MDCT: Protocols and contrast considerations T.J. Vogl, R.M. Hammerstingl
Impact of detection and characterization of liver lesions R. Hammerstingl, J. Breuer, T.J. Vogl
ECR 2006 Kongress
Quelle: FISBA 2006 – Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Autor(en): T. Lehnert
Quelle: ECR 2006 – Wien, Österreich
Autor(en): T. Lehnert, A. Gazis, R. Hammerstingl, K. Eichler, S. Zangos, M.G. Mack, J.O. Balzer, W.O. Bechstein, T.J. Vogl.
Quelle: ECR 2006 – Wien, Österreich
Autor(en): T. Lehnert, A. Gazis, R. Hammertsingl, K. Eichler, S. Zangos, A. Thalhammer, M.G. Mack, J.O. Balzer, T.J. Vogl.
Quelle: ECR 2006 – Wien, Österreich
Autor(en): T. Lehnert, S. Mundackatharappel, A. Wetter, W. Schwarz, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Quelle: T. Lehnert, J. Wohlers, A. wetter, K. Manegold, V. Jacobi, T.J. Vogl
Autor(en): ECR 2006 – Wien, Österreich
Quelle: Deutscher Röntgenkongress 2006 – Berlin, Deutschland
Autor(en): T. Lehnert, J. Wohlers, W. streng, K. Manegold, V. Jacobi, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Quelle: Deutscher Röntgenkongress 2006 – Berlin, Deutschland
Autor(en): T. Lehnert, A. Gazis, A. Wetter, S. Zangos, A. Thalhammer, J.O. Balzer, W.O. Bechstein, T.J. Vogl.
Quelle: Deutscher Röntgenkongress 2006 – Berlin, Deutschland
Autor(en): T. Lehnert, A. Gazis, A. Wetter, R. Hammerstingl, K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, W.O. Bechstein, T.J. Vogl.
Quelle: Deutscher Röntgenkongress 2006 – Berlin, Deutschland
Autor(en): T. Lehnert, A. Gazis, S. Zangos, K. Eichler, A. Thalhammer, M.G. Mack, J.O. Balzer, T.J. Vogl.
Quelle: FISI 2006 – Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Autor(en): T. Lehnert
Quelle: RSNA 2006 – Chicago, USA
Autor(en): T. Lehnert, S. Mundackatharappel, C. Herzog, W. Schwarz, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl.
Quelle: RSNA 2006 – Chicago, USA
Autor(en): T. Lehnert, J. Wohlers, A. Maataoui, M.G. Mack, V. Jacobi, T.J. Vogl.
Abstracts ECR, Wien 4. - 8. March 2005
Special Focus Session, Rectal carcinoma, Post-treatment follow-up T.J. Vogl
Refresher Course, Radiological approach to stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, Nasopharynx M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Refresher Course, Imaging in cochlear implant candidates, Paranasal sinuses T.J. Vogl, M. Mack
European Excellence in Education, Interactive image teaching, Paranasal sinuses T.J. Vogl, M. Mack
Refresher Course, How to investigate facial pain, Neuralgia and uncommon causes
Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) in comparison to transarterial chemoperfusion (TACP) in patients with inoperable intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinomas (ICC) M. Heller, S. Zangos, W. Schwarz, J.O. Balzer, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Flat-panel detector CT for assessment of coronary artery stents: Comparison with 16-slice spiral CT A.H. Mahnken, T. Seyfarth, T. Flohr, C. Herzog, S. Stanzel, R.W. Günther, J.E. Wildberger
Clinical evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of a software for automated detection of lung nodules in preliminary CT examinations J. Gurung, T.J. Vogl, A. Wetter
Prediction of the extent of cerebral infarction and assessment of the clinical condition using functional CT perfusion and diffusion-weighted MR imaging in hyperacute ischemic stroke S. Bisdas, F. Donnerstag, K. Weissenborn, C. Herzog, M. Harth, B. Ahl, I. Bohrer, H. Becker, T. Vogl
Prospective evaluation of a routine protocol for combined magnetic resonance and 1H-spectroscopic imaging of the prostate in patients prior to radical prostatectomy A. Wetter, T. Engl, D. Nadjmabadi, T. Lehnert, W.-D. Beecken, D. Jonas, T.J. Vogl
Cardiac imaging: Coronary artery bypass grafting imaging of the proximal anatomoses created by nitinol implants. A retrospective two observer evaluation M. Khan, C. Herzog, K. Landenberger, S. Martens, A. Maataoui, M. Dietrich, T.J. Vogl
Human growth factor (HGF) evaluation before liver intervention: A prognostic significance for liver regeneration T. Lehnert, A. Gazis, A. Wetter, S. Zangos, R. Hammerstingl, A. Thalhammer, W.-O. Bechstein, T.J. Vogl
MR-guided laser induced thermotherapy of liver metastases of gastric cancer M.G. Mack, T. Lehnert, K. Eichler, R. Straub, J.O. Balzer, S. Zangos, T.J. Vogl; Frankfurt a. Main/DE
Prospective analysis of the value of different MRI sequences for the detection of early stages of arthropathy in patients with hemophilia M.G. Mack, K. Hochmuth, J.K.E. Müller, A. Thalhammer, M. Krause, A. Kurth, T.J. Vogl; Frankfurt a. Main/DE
MR-guided laser induced thermotherapy (LITT) of colorectal carcinoma metastases in the liver M.G. Mack, K. Eichler, R. Straub, T. Lehnert, J.O. Balzer, S. Zangos, T.J. Vogl
High resolution superparamagnetic iron oxide enhanced MRI for the diagnosis lymph node metastases in patients with head and neck cancer M.G. Mack, J. Rieger, M. Baghi, J.O. Balzer, R. Knecht, M. Helbig, T.J. Vogl
MR-guided galvano-therapy in patients with prostate cancer: Technique and first clinical results S. Zangos, H. Mayer, F. Mayer, A. Wetter, K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, W. Schwarz, T.J. Vogl
A new cordless coil for MR-guided percutaneous biopsies in a low field system: First clinical experiences S. Zangos, M.G. Mack, K. Eichler, C. Herzog, M. Heller, T. Vetter, T. Lehnert, T.J. Vogl
"Lesions in necrosis phenomenon" in patients with liver metastases of neuroendocrine tumor after thermal ablation K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, T. Lehnert, S. Zangos, O. Söllner, C. Herzog, T.J. Vogl
Hepatic intra-arterial chemotherapy with gemcitabine: An ongoing phase II study in patients with liver metastases of breast cancer K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, J.O. Balzer, A. Thalhammer, W. Schwarz, M. Heller, S. Zangos, T.J. Vogl
Emergent endovascular stentgraft implantation for perforated acute type B dissections and ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysms J.O. Balzer, M. Doss, A. Thalhammer, M.G. Mack, A. Moritz, T.J. Vogl
Percutaneous, transfemoral implantation of an IA port system for locoregional chemotherapy in liver metastasis: Long term outcome J.O. Balzer1, N. Fleiter, M.G. Mack, E. Böcher, T. Hamm, T.J. Vogl
Diagnostic imaging of primary liver tumors: Evaluation of the hepatocyte-specific contrast agent Gd-EOB-DTPA R. Hammerstingl, W. Schwarz, J. Breuer, T. Balzer, T.J. Vogl
Diagnostic work-up in the liver using SPIO-enhanced MRI: Comparison with histopathologic and clinical findings W.V. Schwarz, R. Hammerstingl, F. Marquardt, B. Götz, M. Heller, T.J. Vogl
Visualization of the coronary arteries in children: A comparison between 2 MR sequences N.D. Abolmaali, A. Esmaeili, M. Schmitt, R. Hofstetter, T.J. Vogl
Effect of laser-induced thermotherapy (LITT) on liver metastasis of varying size A. Maataoui, J. Qian, M.G. Mack, M.F. Khan, R. Straub, E. Oppermann, T.J. Vogl
Imaging and classification of atherosclerotic plaques in Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits using 16-row multidetector-CT C. Herzog, S. Zangos, D.N. Krug, K. Eichler, T.J. Vogl
Traumatic injuries of the pelvis and thoracic and lumbar spine. Does thin-slice multidetector-row CT increase diagnostic accuracy? C. Herzog, M.G. Mack, S. Zangos, W. Schwarz, K. Eichler, L. Thomas, T.J. Vogl
Multidetector-row cardiac CT before minimal invasive bypass surgery C. Herzog, W. Schwarz, S. Zangos, J.O. Balzer, K. Eichler, M.G. Mack, T.J. Vogl
Detection of malignant pulmonary nodules: Determination of the optimal MRI sequence and evaluation of its performance W. Luboldt, K. Eichler, C. Herborn, T.O.F. Wagner, H.-G. Fieguth, T.J. Vogl
Optimization of iodine concentration for the diagnosis of focal liver lesions in MDCT R. Hammerstingl, P.J. Valette, D.M. Regent, T.J. Vogl
Double contrast technique in MRI of liver: Differential diagnosis compared to histopathologic findings R. Hammerstingl, S. Parmentier, W. Schwarz, T.J. Vogl
Quadruple-phase MDCT of the liver in patients with suspected HCC: Effect of contrast material flow rate W. Schima, T.J. Vogl, C. Catalano, L. Marti-Bonmati, E.J. Rummeny, F. Tardaguila Montero
MR flow measurements in the coronary arteries: First results in patients without coronary artery disease N.D. Abolmaali, M. Schiemann, V. Hietschold, A. Koch, P. Kleine, T.J. Vogl
MR flow measurements in the coronary arteries before and after aortic valve surgery: Initial results N.D. Abolmaali, M. Schiemann, V. Hietschold, A. Koch, P. Kleine, T.J. Vogl
Peripheral artery stent visualization and in-stent re-stenosis analysis in 16-row computed tomography: An in-vitro evaluation C. Herzog, J.O. Balzer, M.G. Mack, T. Lehnert, W. Schwarz, S. Zangos, K. Eichler, T.J. Vogl
Abdominal MDCT: Protocols and contrast considerations T.J. Vogl, R.M. Hammerstingl
Impact of detection and characterization of liver lesions R. Hammerstingl, J. Breuer, T.J. Vogl